2010年4月18日 星期日



2006 雲林 私立大成高級商工職業學校- 廣告設計科

2010 嘉義 大同技術學院 - 多媒體設計系


2009 大同技術學院-多媒體畢業成果展

Education & Experience

2006 High Yunlin private Dacheng Vocational School of Commerce and Industry - Advertising Design Division

Tatung Institute of Technology, Chiayi 2010 - Multimedia Design


2009 Tatung Institute of Technology - Multimedia graduation exhibition is




在競爭激烈的時代,也許我的經驗略顯不足,但我卻有非常積極的正面態度,對於工作充滿了理想與抱負。我不斷提升職場的必備技能,也喜歡蒐集相關的情報資訊。資訊應用能力方面,我擅長運用word、Access、Painter、Illustrator、PhotoShop、Corel Draw、3Dmax、PhotoImpact、After Effects、Flash、Dreamweaver等,對於其他軟體也有基本的認識。我的中文屬於精通程度,在工作時可以溝通無礙。




我肯吃苦、肯學習,抗壓性高,平面/美術設計是我一直期待去從事的工作,如果我能有機會進入 貴公司,必定會以全心全力,締造最完美的成果。

謝謝您抽空閱讀我的履歷,再次懇請您給予我面試的機會,我一定會努力為 貴公司創造最佳績效,不辜負您的期望!

My name is Wang Ruiling, 22 years old. Growth in the loving home, from parents who, I see them on their work ethic, always abide by the sub's do their job. Osmosis, I am treasuring the life of a single minute to enrich themselves, seize every opportunity to make their own growth.

Chiayi Institute of Technology studying multimedia design at Datong during my efforts to learn the knowledge, but also actively participate in community activities, more able to look at things, and can note the various little details. At the same time in the learning process, I also get a lot of dealing with people, advance and retreat valuable experience should help me at work handy.

In the highly competitive era, perhaps slightly less than my experience, very positive but I have a positive attitude, the work is full of ideals and aspirations. I have been essential to enhance workplace skills, but also love to collect relevant intelligence information. IT application capability, I am good at using word, Access, Painter, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Corel Draw, 3Dmax, PhotoImpact, After Effects, Flash, Dreamweaver, etc., for other software also have a basic understanding. My proficiency in Chinese is, at work, you can communicate seamlessly.

I shop at the school gate as the field personnel dumplings, even if the work is never touched, I can rely on continuous learning and try to make themselves into position quickly. My sincere efforts, I can always show their best side.

From an objective evaluation tool can also see my strengths, in yes123 the "mental edge" can be seen in particular highlight of my red brain. Red Brain representatives know how to skilfully handle interpersonal relationships, caring warm, easy communication.

I am in the "employability" is also quite prominent on the performance, especially in the: moral integrity, responsible for enterprise and so on are given high marks, appear in the actual workplace, I'll do well.

I am willing to endure hardship, are willing to learn, high compression, graphic / art design I've been looking forward to the work, if I can have access to your company, will your heart and soul, creating the most perfect results.

Thank you for taking the time to read my resume, I again ask you for your interview, I will strive to create the best performance for your company, do not let you down!

